Post Election Thoughts For the Church

The elections are over and I for one am thankful. I wish those that won election or re-election the very best and my prayer is that each one will seek God's wisdom each day. Some of the greatest days of my life were in the 80's. It seems that everyone was working hard and with pride to make America the greatest place in the world to live. I pray that those days return where we can all work together and bring unity to our great land. I am deeply passionate about the direction our country is going and I plan on staying engaged in the process to make the United States of America a better place to live! I do think that our country, no matter who won the election, is in a mess and confused about its priorities. It is going to take a lot of hard work from us to make it a better place to live and to raise our children. We need to be responsible citizens, working hard in our own lives and in our communities. I loved this line from JFK in 1961: No matter how bad we think our co...