Forgiving Others Sets Us Free!

Forgiveness was the word of the day at United Wesleyan on Sunday morning. I really believe that God did His work as several released their "Judas" to the Lord and walked away without the burden of bitterness and un-forgiveness. It was awesome to see and to hear even later in the day how releasing their "Judas" to God has given victory and peace. We explored the fact that Judas betrayed Jesus in such as way that it eventually put Him on the cross. Even on the cross, it was Jesus that said: "Father, forgive them, because they don't know what they are doing." Now, I will admit that many of our Judas' know exactly what they are doing at the moment, but perhaps they are deceived and even ignorant to what they are doing to themselves spiritually. I really love what Buddy Hackett said about forgiveness: "I never hold grudges, because while I am stressing about what they did to me, they are out there somewhere dancing!" I also love the s...