One thing many RELIGIOUS people are not getting RIGHT

One word: RELATIONSHIPS In the messages I preached last Sunday at our church, I focused on the television series LOST and the meaning of good relationships in our lives. As you know this TV show was about 48 people surviving a plane crash and had to leave all of their established relationships behind and start new ones with other survivors, many that were so different than they were. I believe that God created us for deep relationships and not just to have acquaintances. I recently checked my Facebook friend list and I have 883 "friends"!!! Wow, I will be pushing 1000 real soon. But, as I reviewed my list, I found out that hundreds of these fine folks are pretty much acquaintances and not people I have a personal relationship with. The things that are outlined below will only happen when we have deep relationships that are far more than casual acquaintances. How does God expect us to live out our relationships? By being LOVING and considerate to others Ephes...