Turn to God? But I Have a Smart Phone...

My faith in humanity has been restored! I really thought that we didn't have a reasonable voice in the world anymore. I really thought that we were just going to float on into eternity and possibly this age has come to an end without anyone with some national clout stepping up to the plate and giving a divine prescription for a cure. Here is some of what Dr. Alveda King said this weekend: Dr. Alveda King appeared on Cavuto on the Fox network to promote her recent book, titled “King Rules.” She also discussed the lack of spirituality and devotion to God in our nation’s leadership. “I’m 64 years old and in America, ‘One Nation under God’ and ‘In God we trust,’ she said. “Have we been perfect? No. Do we have our problems? Yes. But then to have the leader of our country at one point say, ‘We are no longer a Christian nation’… Where is the righteous indignation?” King discussed the importance of devotion to God in handling not only terror groups like ISIS but in also dealing wi...